

Rules of the site

- is not the manufacturer of the materials published on the site. For questions regarding compliance with 18 USC 2257, please contact the content producers directly.
- By visiting you agree to the terms of the site, including the terms and conditions of the privacy policy.
- The resource administration has the right to change the terms and conditions of this resource at any time.
- All users and visitors to the resource are required to comply with all the rules of the resource without exception.
- The website can be visited and viewed in compliance with the laws of the country from which the visitor visits and views the resource. If the laws of your country or the country in which you are located at the time of visiting the resource prohibit you from visiting a resource of this type, immediately leave the site.
- This resource contains adult content. Visiting the resource is permitted only to adults (18+ or 21+ depending on the country from which you are visiting the resource or of which you are a citizen)
- The website does not bear any responsibility for the content of third party resources, links to which may be posted on the website. When following a link to a third-party resource from this resource, the user agrees and understands that the website is not responsible for the content posted on third-party resources.
- Users of the resource are prohibited from using the materials provided on the resource for commercial purposes; all resource materials are provided only for personal use.